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About Cowgirl Natty,

As long as I can remember I’ve had a yearning to feel the world around me as deeply as I could. My way of feeling and digesting the world is by tapping into my creative imagination. I love to capture, draw, interact, learn, and memorialize anything that makes my heart beat at a different frequency. Most of my work involves abstraction, line, and color, which to me, isn’t about replicating reality but replicating what reality makes me feel like. A lot of my personal works are exercises for self exploration. Other subject matter I explore through my work focuses on nostalgia and my identity as a hokey Midwestern. I also play with the narrative of what a typical cowboy looks like regardless of rural/urban placement, sex, gender identity, race, creed, color, or background. We can all giddy up.

My roots are deeply ingrained in social activism, community partnership, the fight for equal rights, and trying to genuinely live a life that brings people together. It’s all about range.

My passion for the arts took me to art school where I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in December 2021. I now work full-time for the Milwaukee non-profit, Islands of Brilliance as a Creative Technologist.